Master in Agile Methods

Receive training and provide maximum value in your organization with Agile Method Applications. In full digital transformation, these methods allow rapid adaptation of new products and services

Nid: 350
  1. Know how to define the most appropriate agile frameworks for each strategic initiative and work team (based on Scrum, Kanban, Lean, XP and DevOps).
  2. Create high-performance multidisciplinary and highly motivated teams, through Agile Coaching principles, conflict management, motivation and use of metrics and KPIs for Agile environments.
  3. Learn modern techniques for innovation, conceptualization and rapid product-to-market fit, such as Lean Startup, Design Thinking and Inception.
  4. Scale Agile in the company and de-escalate decision-making, managing the process of changing departments and companies to Agile.
  5. Introduce a cultural change in your company or organization based on collaboration, team empowerment and Agile Management, so that silos are reduced.